STABLES planned for a field off Ellers Road, Sutton-in-Craven can be built, despite concerns they will restrict views of the Aire Valley.

The block of three stables, tack room, feed area and hardstanding will be used by a private owner who lives away from the site, heard Monday's planning meeting of Craven District Council.

Sutton Parish Council's Ken Hart said the parish council was not opposed to the development, but thought a better site would be away from the road where it would not block 'magnificent' downhill views of the Aire Valley.

But agent for the applicant, Peter Williams, of Windle, Beech and Winthrop said moving it away from the road would mean a new access road and its proposed siting had been chosen to create the least amount of impact.

He added it was far better than the alternative of temporary field structures, which no one liked.

Committee chairman, Cllr Richard Welch said from a security point of view, the development would be better located near to the road, and not hidden away.

A concern from Cllr John Kerwin-Davy that the stable block could lead to an application for an associated residential dwelling was dismissed as the equestrian development did not equal the special circumstances of an agricultural development.