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Public Notice

Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015 - 2030

Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015 - 2030 Issues consultation and public drop in sessions
The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is preparing a new Local Plan. It will replace the existing Yorkshire Dales Local Plan adopted in 2006 and will guide decisions about where, when, and how development will take place up to 2030.
The first stage is to ask local communities what the new Plan should contain. To stimulate debate we have prepared a consultation document which is available on our website: and in local libraries and National Park offices.
We are also holding five drop in sessions during December. This is an opportunity to talk with Authority staff about what you think the big planning issues are and how you think we should tackle them.
Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015 - 2030 Drop in sessions
Monday 3rd December Bainbridge, National Park Offices 3pm - 7pm
Tuesday 4th December Grassington, Town Hall, Octagon Room 3pm - 7pm
Thursday 6th December Reeth, Memorial Hall 3pm - 7pm
Monday 10th December Langcliffe Village Institute 2:30pm - 6:30 pm
Tuesday 11th December Sedbergh, Peoples Hall 3pm - 7pm
Your views will inform the direction of the new Local Plan and therefore the type of development you may expect to see over the next 15 years.
Peter Stockton
Head of Sustainable Development

Published on 15/11/2012