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Public Notice



(TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF ALL TRAFFIC) (BRIDLEWAY N0.17(pait)& BRDLEWAY NO.6 (part),AUSTWICK)OR0ER 2013 No.4 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 - Section 14(1) (as amended)
Notice is hereby given that the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority intends, not less than seven days from ihe date of this notice, to make an Order, the effect of which will be to prohibit any traffic from proceeding along part of Bridleway No 17 from point of closure at GR SO 7830 6967 for approx. 60 metres to GR SD 7630 6962 and part of Bridleway No. 6 from point of closure at GR SO 7823 6972 for approx. 60 metres » GR SD 7825 6966 In the Parish ol Austwick. in the district of Craven from 8 April, 2013 until 23 September. 2013 inclusive.
The closure will be put into effect when necessary by means of the erection olfnotices and signs. It is envisaged that the works will be undertaken within six months. The Order is necessary because works are proposed to be executed on or near the Bnflleway by Morrison Utility Services on behalf of Yorksrure Water to replace the water mains in the hamlet of Wharfe.
The alternative routes to be used during the dosure period will be as follows:* For Bridleway No. 17
From point of closure at SD 7830 6967 continue generally south easterly along the walled bridleway for approx 170 metres to the bridleway junction at GR SD 7842 6957 (point of Closure for part of Bridleway 17 made under separate Order). Continue south, south easterly along the bridleway for approx 100 metres to the junction with the Austwick to Hetwith Bridge County Road at GR SD 7846 6949. Follow the road south westerly for approx.830 metres to the junction with a walled bridleway at GR SO 7777 6922. Bearing north easterly for approx 700 metres to (point of dosure for part of Bridleway 17 made under separate Order) at GR SD 7817 6970 and return

For Bridleway No. 6
From point of closure at SD 7823 6972 continue generally south easterly, taking the eastern fork at Midge Hall past the point of closure for the above section of brirleway 17 at SD 7830 6967 for approx.260 metres to GR SD 7842 6957 (another point of closure for part of Bridleway 17. made under separate Order). Continue south, south easterly along the bridleway for approx 100 metres to the junction with the Austwck to Helwiith Bridge County Road at SO 7646 6949, follow the road south westerly for approx.485 metres, to a bridleway at SO 7810 6925 bearing north, north easterly for approx.450 metres to (point of closure for part of Bridleway 6. made under separate Order) at GR SO 7826 6964 and return.
Dated: 28 March, 2013 CLARE SEVAN (SOLICITOR)

Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Bainbridge

Published on 28/03/2013