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Public Notice


Notice is hereby giventhatanlnspector will be appointed by theSecretary of Statefor Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to determinethe YorkshireDales National Park Authority(Hellifield andLongPreston Footpaths) Modification Order 2011 andwill attend at:
Hellifield VlllageInstltute, Main Road, Hellifield,North Yorkshire BD23 4ET. On Tuesday14May 2013 at 10.00am
To holda public localinquiry into theOrder Theeffectof the Order,if confirmed withoutmodifications,will be to modify thedefinitivemap andstatement forthe area by adding to them (i)a networkof six footpathsfromHammerton Drive, Hellifield to Little Newton Farm viaarailway underpass, and(ii)a footpath from Footpath 2Hellifield at GR SD 8485 5761 to Footpath 16 Long Preston(NewHouse Lane)at GRSD 8469 5788.
Description of networkof footpaths to be added in theParishof Hellifield
CommencingonHammerton Drive, Hellifield at GR SD 8553 5673 [point A] proceedingalong an enclosedtrack in anortherly then north-westerlydirection to alockedfield gate with adjacent gap [tothe right] at therailway lineat GRSD 8549 5692 (point B).Fromthe fieldgate/gap passing under therailway linevia abridgefor 16 metres to afield gate at GR SD 8550 5694 [point C].Then in anorth-north easterlydirection [C-D]and then north-north westerly directionfollowing Newton Gill [D-E] to afield dateat GRSD 8557 5739 [point E] and continuing across another pasture fieldtoanotherfieldgateat GRSD8542
5764 [point F].Thenturning westerly across apasture fieldtoa fieldgateat GRSD8508 5766 [point G] andcontinuingfor a further 9metrestoconnect with Public Footpath 2Hellifield at GR SD 8507 5766 [point H].

Commencingat the fieldgateat GRSD 8550 5694[pointC] and proceedingina north-westerlydirection across apasture fieldtoa fieldgateat GRSD 8536 5719[pointI] thencontinuingacrossanotherpasture fieldtoa fieldgateat GRSD8517 5739 [point J] then continuing north-westerlythennortherly througha narrowpasture enclosuretoafield gate at GR SD 8507
5765 [point K] then continuing fora further10metrestoconnect with Public Footpath 2Hellifield at GR SD 8507 5766 [point

Commencingat the fieldgateat GRSD8542 5764[point F] proceeding in north-westerly directionacrossa pasturefield to a fieldgatebya barn at GR SD 8534 5772[pointL] and continuing across another pasture fieldtoa fieldgateat GRSD8514 5788 [point M] then continuing in anortherly directionthrough LittleNewtonfarmyardtoafield gate at GR SD 8514 5792 [point N] then continuing fora further5 metres to connectwithPublic Footpath 2Hellifield at GR SD 8514 5793 [point O]. CommencingatGRSD8563 5722 [pointD] running inanorth-easterlydirectioncrossingthebeck[nobridge]andcontinuing to afield gate in thefield corner at GR SD 8569 5725 [point P] then continuing through another pasture fieldgenerally following thefield edge in anorth-easterly then northerly directiontoconnecttoPublic Footpath 6Hellifield at astone step-stile at GR SD 8604 5776[pointQ].
Commencingonthe easternsideof the fieldgateat GRSD 8569 5725[pointP] running in anorth-westerlydirection along thefield edgepassingthefield gate inthewallat point Sand continuing generally alongsideNewtonGillto itsjunctionwith Footpath 6at GRSD 8521 5798[pointT].
Commencingonthe northsideof the fieldgateat GRSD8542 5764[pointF] turning north-easterlyand crossing Newton Gill viaa bridge/culvertat GRSD8542 5765[pointR] thentoafield gate at GR SD 8543 5766[point S] and then to itsjunction
with thefootpathshown as P-T.
Description of path to be addedinthe parishes of Hellifield andLongPreston
CommencingonFootpath2Hellifield at GR SD 8485 5761[pointA] proceeding in anorth-westerlydirection to astone step-stile in.a wall at theparishboundarywithLongPreston at GR SD 8482 5765 [point B] then generally following the field-edgetoa stile at GR SD 8469 5788 [Point C] at Footpath 16 Long Preston. (All points as shownonthe Order maps). Anypersonwishing to view thestatementsof caseand otherdocuments relating to this Order maydosobyappointment at theYorkshire DalesNational ParkAuthorityOffices at'Colvend', Hebden Road,Grassington, Skipton, NorthYorkshire BD23 5LB during normal office hours (Council contact: Alan Hulme, tel. no.01756 751647 or 0300 456 0030[reception]). Planning Inspectorate Reference: FPS/C9499/7/17 Contactpoint at thePlanningInspectorate: John Greenslade, Rights of WaySection,Room3/25, HawkWing,TempleQuayHouse, 2The Square, Temple Quay,Bristol BSI6PN. Tel: 0303 4445343 EmaiI:

Published on 11/04/2013