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Public Notice

North Yorkshire County Council

Notice of Confirmation of a Public Path Diversion Order Highways Act 1980 North Yorkshire County Council Public Bridleway No. 05.24/4 & Public Footpath No. 05.24/2 at Pie Cross & Lower Thornber, Halton West, Craven Diversion Order 2016 On 11 May, North Yorkshire County Council confirmed the above Order made under Section 119 of the Highways Act 1980. The effect of the confirmed Order is to divert the public bridleway and public footpath described below. That section of Footpath No. 05.24/2 commencing at Grid Reference (GR) SD8193 5407 and running through Lower Thornber, is diverted onto a new route commencing at GR SD8190 5413 and running north of Lower Thornber to the same end point.
That section of Bridleway No. 05.24/4 commencing from Footpath 05.24/2 near Lower Thornber running southwards to GR SD8186 5399 is diverted onto a new route commencing at SD8194 5406 and running to the same end point. That section of Bridleway No. 05.24/4 commencing at GR SD8182 5395 running south-westerly for approximately 100 metres to GR SD8176 5387, is diverted onto a new route
commencing at the same point and running south-westerly for approximately 107 metres to the same end point.
That section of Bridleway No. 05.24/4 commencing at GR SD8162 5370, running south-westwards to Pie Cross then southerly to Hellifield Road, is diverted onto a new route commencing at the same point and running generally southerly to Hellifield Road at GR SD8186 5323. A copy of the confirmed Order and Order Map may be seen free of charge during normal office hours at Settle Library, North Yorkshire until 21 July 2016. Copies may be purchased from Waste & Countryside Services, North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AD (tel: 01609 532512) at a cost of £2.00, or can be downloaded free from our website The Order comes into force on the date on which the Authority certifies, in accordance with Section 119(3)(b) of the 1980 Act, that work to the new section of path, described in part 2 of the Schedule, has been completed, but if a person aggrieved by the Order wants to question its validity, or that of any provision contained in it, on the ground that it is not within the powers of the Highways Act 1980 as amended, or on the ground that any requirement of the Act, as amended, or of any regulation made under the Act has not been complied with in relation to the Order, he or she may, under Paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act as applied by Paragraph 5 of Schedule 6 to the Act, within six weeks from 9 June 2016, make an application to the High Court.
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services Dated: 9 June 2016

Published on 09/06/2016