NOT for the first time, organisers of Skipton Gala have put out an appeal for volunteers.

But this time, it's really serious, there is just a handful of people on the committee and it's chairman Geoff Dunn is almost 80 years old.

Geoff, who has been at the helm for 30 years, told Skipton town councillors last week 2024 would be the last gala if no one came forward. Even at this late stage, the gala is just two weeks away, the committee still needs people to help on the day, with helping with road closures for the procession and on the gala field itself.

Skipton Gala has enjoyed some really good weather for the last couple of years or so, which has brought the crowds out in their thousands. Its a fabulous event, the procession is a joy to watch, all the children from schools and clubs dressed up and having the time of their lives.

And then, there is all the entertainment on the gala field, the fairground and the fireworks at the end of it all. The event is part of the heritage of the town, when the community comes together and celebrates what is good about Skipton.

It has been in the hands of the same people for a long time, and now they want to hand over the reins; hopefully, a new team, with the help of Skipton Town Council, will be formed and the gala - with very possibly some new ideas and attractions - be allowed to continue for another 100 years. Skipton will be a lesser place without its annual gala, and it would be a shame to see its gala queen crown end up in Craven Museum.