SUTTON’S Got Brass is a community brass band, the origin of which goes back to 2014 when a local primary school was successful in winning an inter-school competition. The lottery funded prize for their success purchased a complete range of brass instruments and percussion items.

In the 10 years since the bands’ formation, it is profoundly regretful that all the young children there in its’ formative years, have left to pursue other interests. As a result, the band membership is made up of adults – both men and women – of a wide age spectrum, mid-twenties to mid- eighties; some, since its' formation and others who’ve joined since. As for those young children, now mature 18/20 year olds? You know who you are, how delighted we’d be to welcome you back!

Our public appearances are mainly centred around Christmas time playing a selection of Christmas music in local retail premises/shopping malls etc., but also entertaining residents of retiral and care establishments and a range of other public events throughout the year.

We are actively seeking new members to join the band.

We are extremely fortunate to be able to offer a range of instruments on free loan to any interested persons. Any age – young and not so young – any race, any religion; there are absolutely no restrictions. Whilst mixed ability is quite acceptable, those lacking any experience at all, are equally welcome, but would need to undertake appropriate music lessons which our musical director is willing to undertake at a pre-arranged charge. This would be in addition to the £5 subscription collected monthly.

The band meet for practice every Wednesday throughout the year at Glusburn Institute from 7pm where you can be assured of the warmest of welcomes.

We really do look forward to seeing you.

Jeremy Law
