ORGANISERS of Skipton Car Show on Sunday were delighted after the day turned out sunny and warm - a brief respite in what has turned out so far to be the most miserable and wet of springs and early summers.

Once again, High Street was jam-packed with people as they made their way through all the gleaming, beautiful cars. Well done to Mark Dale for taking over the reigns from the previous organiser of this relatively young event, and to Skipton BID for supporting it.

On Saturday, it is the turn of a much older and traditional event, Skipton Gala - and if weather forecasters have got it right, it looks like organisers will similarly pleased, a sun and clouds day is on the cards, and hopefully, no rain.

The parade through the town centre to the gala field at Aireville Park is set to be one of the largest for several years, which is great news; being the parent of an excited child on one of the floats or taking part in a walking group is a memory which will always be treasured.

Long term organisers of the gala who have struggled on for years with little help have said this is their last; there has been promising words from the town council with some councillors saying the authority will take over the event to make sure it doesn't die out.

We will have to make sure they are not just words and that the gala is not allowed to disappear, there is after all, plenty of room for all sorts of events in Skipton - all they need is the people to put time and effort in to do all the organising.