THIS week – Refugee Week (June 17 to 23) ) – we are coming together as a community to celebrate with refugees who have felt the welcome our area offers and enriched our lives as friends and neighbours.

But our celebrations are against a backdrop of uncaring, chaotic and costly refugee policies. With people living in fear of being banished to Rwanda the situation is especially stark.

That’s why we have signed the Fair Begins Here Promise from coalition campaign Together With Refugees. The Promise calls for a new plan for refugees – one that is fair, compassionate and well managed. By supporting this we commit to stand together and reject attempts to divide us, keep building communities of welcome, and take action to win a fair new plan for refugees.

We need organisations across the area to join us and sign the Fair Begins Here Promise at And what better time to get involved than Refugee Week. Whether you’re a business, trade union, sports club, faith group or school, organisations from across our community can be part of this important movement. Because fair begins here, with all of us. 

Chris Rose (Chair)

Craven District of Sanctuary