IF you are interested in a greener and wilder Craven, then why not become a part of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust? The trust is looking for people to join its board of trustees - you don't need to have been a trustee before, but what you do need is an interest in making the county a better place for wildlife. Lesley Tate reports.

THE Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is looking for three dedicated people to join its Board of Trustees and to help guide a greener and wilder future for everyone in Craven and across the whole of Yorkshire.

The trust directly manages more than 100 nature reserves and is at the forefront of conservation work across Yorkshire, from ground-breaking partnership programmes such as Wild Ingleborough and Wilder Humber to the recent release of the first-ever State of Yorkshire’s Nature report.

The charity is managed by a Board of Trustees, which supports and guide the charity to achieve a wilder Yorkshire that more people feel encouraged to enjoy. Each trustee brings their own experience to advise the trust, and speaks for the the trust’s 45,000 members.

Trustees join for a limited time, which creates vacancies and ensures it benefits from different experiences and fresh perspectives. No prior experience of being a trustee is required, and the trust encourages everyone who feels they have skills and time to offer to apply.

Pete Meadows, the youngest trustee in the organisation’s history said; "Since becoming a trustee at the age of 28, it has been a real honour to work alongside the wider team and the wealth of knowledge they bring.

"Each individual offers different experiences which creates an open space to discuss and develop future plans. Being a part of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust at a point when protection for nature has never been more pressing, and being able to shape the future direction of the Trust's work, is incredibly rewarding."

Chair of the board Jo Webb, who has been on the board for eight years including four as its Chair, has come to the end of her term. She said: “During my time as a trustee, I have learned so much about wildlife, and about the work the trust does to help it thrive by bringing about nature’s recovery in Yorkshire.

"I’ve seen the trust go from strength to strength with more land managed for nature by us, more and better facilities for visitors on some of our key reserves, more peat restored and protected from further erosion, increased focus on protecting and restoring wildlife round our coasts and in our seas, and better engagement with more communities for the benefit of both people and nature. And that list only begins to cover the breadth and power of our work."

Jo who is preparing to step down as she comes to the end of her term in October, added: “I consider carrying out this role to have been one of the greatest privileges of my life.”

Nick Perks, vice chair who is leading the recruitment process, has more than 20 years of practical experience of charity management and leadership, most recently as Trust Secretary (CEO) of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

He said “When I went freelance five years ago, I was keen to get involved in environmental action in my own county, and was delighted to join the YWT Board as a trustee.

"It is so encouraging to be part of an organisation that is looking after nature right across Yorkshire, and helping and encouraging others to play their part too. I’m looking forward to welcoming new trustees to the team.

"A diverse board of trustees helps the trust to make better decisions, to better represent the diversity of our membership and all communities across Yorkshire so we can create and deepen connections to nature everywhere.”

Dr Ceri Williams joined the Board two years ago and added: “I was delighted to be appointed as a trustee and serve as honorary secretary. I was keen to bring my strategic leadership skills to help the trust to achieve its vision of wildlife-rich places and wildlife-rich lives in Yorkshire.

"I came to the trust with a strong background in research and innovation which helps ensure the crucial work continues to be informed by the best science. I have continued to learn as a trustee and welcomed visits to many reserves alongside talented professionals who have shared their insights on conservation and the different approaches across the breadth of Yorkshire’s wildlife landscape.”

On this occasion, the trust is particularly interested in hearing from people with financial experience; legal experience; charity fundraising experience; conservation, wildlife or ecology experience; and experience in land acquisition, management or farming.

Being a trustee is a voluntary role, and successful trustees should expect to commit at least five hours a month to rust affairs, preparing for and attending meetings.

If you are interested in helping to shape Yorkshire’s wild future, consider applying at https://careers.ywt.org.uk/. You can also find out more about what the trust does and the role of trustees as part of a Zoom event on July 19 – more information can be found on the Trustee job role page.

The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is the only charity entirely dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring wildlife and wild places in Yorkshire. Its vision is for a Yorkshire that is abundant in wildlife, with more people having a genuine and meaningful connection with nature. It was established as a charity in 1946, and is part of The Wildlife Trusts movement.