I WONDER how many of the people who voted tactically for the Labour Party in order to get rid of the last government spotted in advance the policies the party has for changes to planning rules.

With 34 per cent of the votes the Labour Party seems to think it has a huge mandate to drive through changes which will have an enormous impact on the local community. Top of my own concerns is their determination to set high targets for housing construction in each locality.

Some of our local communities are already struggling to cope with significant numbers of recently constructed housing without any obvious inroads being made on house price affordability for people earning an average local salary.

Hundreds of new homes are currently going up on green fields in Skipton without any increase in funding for GP surgeries or off site improvements to the sewage system that is routinely releasing filth into the River Aire. Solar panels are conspicuous by their absence despite the cheapness of fitting them during construction and the assistance they provide to cut running costs and carbon emissions.

Unless there is a much stronger emphasis on building social housing, converting disused shops and offices, improving existing run-down homes, bringing empty properties into use and taxing second homes it is not clear that any amount of extra building on green fields will meet local needs.

It is crucial that when we see the detail of the new planning policies it will not consist of giving a free hand to developers to build what brings in the biggest profits but will enable local elected representatives to exercise some control over what is in the best interest of the local community. I very much fear a serious reduction in any ability for any local councillor to have a significant say.

Cllr Andy Brown (Green Party)
