Do you love singing? Are you thinking of returning to singing after a break? Have you never sung before but always wanted to try? Whatever your circumstances, Langcliffe Singers invites you to join us as we begin our new season, writes member, Jane Templeton.


WE are a community choir based in Settle, founded over 40 years ago by the musical powerhouse Valerie Baulard. We sing a range of choral repertoire, from large-scale classic oratorios to songs from the shows. We normally put on three concerts per year, with other events too.

Singing in the choir involves the opportunity to sing with professional soloists and musicians, in some beautiful venues. Our musical director is Darren Everhart, currently director of music at Giggleswick School. Darren has a wealth of conducting and directing experience and he is assisted by our talented accompanist Brian Heaton. We are very lucky to have them both on board.

We are a non-auditioning choir and are very welcoming. We currently have around 60 members and are always delighted to welcome new people. Prospective members can attend three rehearsals without commitment. You do not need any previous singing experience and while the ability to read music is undoubtedly useful, it is not essential.

We rehearse every Tuesday during term time, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm in St John’s Methodist Church in Settle. There is parking directly outside and level access.

We have an exciting variety of events next season, beginning with an invitation to join Giggleswick School Choir in the Remembrance Day concert, for a performance of Faure’s Requiem in Giggleswick School Chapel. In our Christmas concert in Settle Parish Church, we will be performing Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols accompanied by Maxine Molin on the harp, together with other favourite festive songs.

For our Easter concert we will be performing Haydn's Creation in Giggleswick School Chapel with professional orchestra and professional soloists including local legend Sarah Fox. Our last concerts with orchestras have sold out, and we are confident that this popular piece will be no exception.

In May we will be hosting a Come and Sing event in Settle Parish Church when we will be joined by other singers from the local area. The programme will consist of favourite classical choruses such as the Hallelujah Chorus, How Lovely are Thy Dwellings, Vivaldi’s Gloria, and The Heavens are Telling.

And finally in July we will be at the Victoria Hall in Settle for a light-hearted concert comprising songs from some of Gilbert and Sullivan’s operettas.

Our key dates this season are: Autumn term: First rehearsal: Tuesday September 10; Remembrance Day concert: Sunday November 10; Christmas concert: Saturday December 14.

Spring term: First rehearsal: Tuesday January 7 2025; Easter concert: Saturday, April 5.

Summer term; First rehearsal: Tuesday, April 22; Come and Sing: Saturday, May 10; Summer concert: Saturday July 5.

Our members love it and we hope that you will too! This is what some of us say: "I joined in May 2022 and enjoy every second of being with other music minded people. Darren is an exceptional director and his musical insight and playfulness make every rehearsal a joy."

"Every Tuesday evening, I go to Langcliffe Singers with a sense of joy and anticipation, both of which have only deepened since my first hearing them in concert in 2009 singing Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem. I joined them weeks later, nudged to do so by a new friend. Rehearsals, concerts, the choice of music, the atmosphere among the singers, and, of course, the leader-and-conductor, all are great."

"I have been a member from the very beginning when Val Baulard first started the choir and for the last forty years Tuesday nights are choir nights and take precedence over everything else. I have gained knowledge from our various conductors, been to interesting venues, been challenged, enjoyed performances and found companionship. The choir is a place where a mix of ages poses no problems and one can age with it; everyone is valued and feels supported by fellow choristers and encouraged and taught by our conductors in a friendly and encouraging way."

The choir was formed in 1983 by Valerie Baulard, a local singing teacher with a background in professional singing in both opera and oratorio, who had a cottage in the village of Langcliffe, hence the name.

Originally consisting of ten women and one boy treble, their first performances were at outdoor venues, such as Fountains Abbey, singing madrigals and part-songs a capella.

In 1984 the group expanded to include men’s voices and the full SATB choir was born. It was a community choir with membership open to anyone with a love of singing who could hold their line of music in four-part choral works.

Come and join us! You are very welcome to turn up to a rehearsal, or if you would like more information, please email