Craven Herald - Memorials

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Death Notice


Published on 14/11/2024

On 17th October 2024 peacefully at Herncliffe Care Home Delphia aged 83 years. The Beloved wife of Gordon, much loved mum of Gordon, Andrew, Pamela, and Paul. Dearly loved mother-in-law, grandma, great-grandma, sister, auntie and a great friend to many.

The funeral service will take place at Oakworth Crematorium on Friday 22nd November at 10.45am. Family flowers only please. But donations would be greatly appreciated for British Heart Foundation for which a plate will be available at the service. Will friends please accept this intimation and kindly meet at the crematorium. All enquiries to Springhead Funeral service Keighley Tel 01274 640100


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Terence Fleming November 14th, 2024
God bless you Delphia. May you rest in peace. Thinking of you Gordon and your family. 🙏🌹