Craven Herald - Memorials

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Death Notice

Graham SHAW

Published on 14/11/2024

On 18th October 2024, peacefully at Leeds General Infirmary, following a road traffic accident, Graham aged 56 years. Much loved husband and best friend of Sue, son of Muriel and the late Eric Shaw, dear son-in-law of Kath and the late Jim O'Leary, loved brother-in-law of Jaime, Alan and the late Tracey, much loved uncle and friend of many.

The funeral service and cremation will take place at Oakworth Crematorium tomorrow Friday 15th November at 1.00pm. Will family and friends please assemble at the crematorium chapel. Family fowers only please but donations would be appreciated to Sue Ryder - Manorlands Hospice and Royal British Legion. A collection box will be provided for this purpose or may be made online at


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