YORKSHIRE Water is warning people not to swim in the district's reservoirs.

The warm spell has sparked the plea from the company, which has produced a DVD to reinforce the message to young people.

The DVD - "Dying to be Cool" - has been shown to students at schools across the region.

And a limited number of free copies are being offered to other schools and youth organisations.

Geoff Lomas, Yorkshire Water's catchment and recreation manager, stressed the hidden dangers of swimming in reservoirs.

He explained: "Aside from the risks posed by the water temperature, underwater obstacles can also catch out the unwary while strong undercurrents are created when water is drawn from a reservoir to feed the drinking water supply.

"It may look placid on a hot sunny day but open water is potentially lethal - in fact, only car accidents claim more young lives every year.

"Dying To Be Cool is a graphic illustration of how quickly the body's nervous system can close down when exposed to cold water - and how little the emergency services can do to help once a swimmer has been underwater for no more than a few minutes.

"It's easy to persuade yourself that you'll be fine, particularly after a few beers.

"But there are hundreds of families across the UK who are still coming to terms with the loss of a relative simply because they fancied a quick dip or wanted to impress their mates.

"Our message is simple: it's just not worth the risk."

For more information about the DVD, call community affairs manager Anne Reed on 01274 692515.