VILLAGERS are being urged to have their say on a £800,000 scheme to redevelop Kildwick Church.

The church is the oldest in Craven, dating back to 950 and is known as the "lang kirk" for its extended nave.

Two open evenings will be held in the church on Monday May 21 and Tuesday May 22 to discuss plans to provide community facilities at St An-drew's Church.

The plans include flexible seating to allow larger scale events to be held, new seating and a meeting room.

Also planned are a creche, heritage area, kitchen and toilets, a parish office and improved heating.

And it is hoped as many people as possible from the village, as well as from Farnhill and Cross Hills, will take part in the consultation.

The Lang Kirk 21 project is being spearheaded by the Parochial Church Council following a public consultation in 2004 to find out what people wanted from their church.

Fundraising is expected to start later in the year.

Members from the project team will be on hand at the open evenings to show people round the church and to explain where the new spaces and facilities will be created.

Team members will also be able to take visitors through the architect's drawings.

Project co-ordinator Tim Wilson said there had been a positive response to the plans so far.

He said: "We would like to invite all our local community to take part in these open evenings to get involved and find out in more detail what we are doing at St Andrew's and why we are doing it.

"We have had very positive responses to date, with many people excited about the new possibilities which will be opened up for community use.

"St Andrew's Church has been part of the community here for centuries and our plans aim to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to use the building for many years to come."

The group is also appealing to builders in the area to tender for the work and for companies who might like to contribute towards the cost.

Mr Wilson said: "We would like to hear from any local contractors who would be interested in tendering for the scheme, and similarly from any local companies, organisations and individuals who would like to contribute to the fund for development."

The open evenings will take place from 7pm to 9pm and refreshments will be available.