THE unexpected death of his grandchild has spurred a Silsden man to run the Edinburgh Marathon for charity.

Jim Thompson's step-granddaughter, Shannon Leigh, was stillborn at Airedale General Hospital two weeks ago.

Now Jim, who was already in training for the Scottish marathon on May 27, has decided to run in her memory and to raise money for the little-known Stillborn and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS).

The 42-year-old machinist, who works at Snug Pak, Silsden, said: "We lost a precious granddaughter and now I am running in her memory, trying to raise as much money as possible for SANDS and the labour ward at Airedale Hospital, as they were so very kind to us."

Despite only taking up running at the age of 39, Jim already has seven marathons under his belt.

A former self-confessed couch potato, he was determined to run a marathon before he reached 40.

"Last year I did the London Marathon in April, Edinburgh in June, Toronto in September and Loch Ness in October.

"I started because I was reaching the big 4-0. I smoked and I drank too much and I was lazy. I got speaking to someone who'd done the Great North Run and I thought, why not?"

Six months later, Jim took part in his first half marathon and is now a committed runner - and three stones lighter.

"I've really got the bug. I usually run six nights a week and sometimes seven, and over the week I run about 40 to 50 miles."

Anyone who would like to sponsor Jim can pledge donations at