CANINE lovers should enjoy the next "Meet the Authors" event in Skipton.

Guests of honour will be politician Roy Hattersley and his dog, Buster, who hit the headlines in 1996 when he was forced to defend himself from a goose belonging to Her Majesty the Queen, in St James's Park, London.

Mr Hattersley wrote an entertaining diary from Buster's point of view, giving an insight into the canine world.

Also speaking at the event will be Julia Baird, who has written the memoirs of her brother, John Lennon. She will reveal the hitherto untold account of John's painful and often lonely childhood following his cruel separation from his mother at the age of five.

There are two opportunities to hear their stories at the Rendezvous Hotel, Skipton - on Wednesday, May 23, at 7.30pm, or Thursday, May 24, at 12.30pm.

Tickets are priced at £24 and £22 respectively, which includes a three course meal, with proceeds going to support research into children's cancer for Cancer Research.

For tickets contact the Rendezvous Hotel on 01756 700100.