PLANS are being drawn up to develop Settle into the greenest district in the Dales.

More than 40 people from private and commercial businesses, schools, the town, district and county councils and the national park authority met for an exploratory forum on Friday.

They discussed ideas which had been instigated by the Settle Chamber of Trade. The main points for discussion were: * To look at ways to encourage all parts of the local community to work together to minimise the negative impact they have on the environment.

* To promote Settle district as a leading example of an environmentally friendly community.

* To create green business opportunities for existing businesses.

* To attract new green businesses.

* To contribute to the economic regeneration of the district.

The forum was opened by Skipton MP David Curry who gave his backing to the idea.

"The forum was a great success and there was a unanimous response for embarking on this initiative," said Settle Chamber of Trade chairman, Steve Amphlett.

"We had invited around 40 people from the area who we thought would be able to give an input and virtually everyone came along.

"Everyone was positive about it and we all agreed it was something every single member of the community could be involved in, from changing to low energy light bulbs to helping to create green' opportunities for businesses."

Mr Amphlett, who is landlord of the Plough Inn, at Wigglesworth, added: "The main idea for bringing everyone together was to look for definite commitment from people to take it forward.

"The initiative is also looking at furthering the excellent work Settle regeneration team StART is already doing in the town and they will take a big part in this.

"The initiative is to be co-ordinated by StART, of which I am a member, and will encompass the whole of the surrounding villages."

A steering group is being headed by Mr Amphlett to progress the plans to the next stage, which is expected to include a public exhibition in six weeks' time.

He said the local schools were expected to be heavily involved.

Since the meeting, Mr Amphlett has been contacted by people and organisations already involved in green and environmental issues and they will be invited to present their work at the exhibition.

He added: "It's not just about encouraging everyone to become environmentally friendly. As a chamber of trade initiative, we are equally as eager to promote the area and increase tourism.

"One way of finding out what people already do and their thoughts on green issues is to carry out a survey which the local schools could perhaps get involved in. There may also be opportunities for communities to work together to create their own green schemes.

"This is all something which will be talked about and discussed in the future. The main thing is building up momentum and looking forward to making Settle a more pleasant place to visit."

Mr Amphlett said the initiative came about after a discussion with Mr Curry during one of the MP's surgeries.

"We had approached him with our Call for Action' ideas we had come up with as a chamber of trade and it was actually Mr Curry who suggested going down the green route. He has offered us a lot of support."

A date and venue for the exhibition has yet to be decided.