PENDLE'S MP has called on Labour MPs to nominate John McDonnell to ensure a contest to decide the next Labour leader and, hence, Prime Minister.

Speaking from Westminster, Gordon Prentice said: "Gordon Brown has said he would welcome a contest. I believe it would be good for the party and good for the country.

"A contest will force both candidates to flesh out their policy priorities and give them an opportunity to demonstrate their presentational skills and intellectual rigour.

"I shall be voting for the one who best reflects my own position on the major issues of the day."

The MP has also called on Labour's National Executive Committee to invite the BBC and other broadcasters to televise the Parliamentary Labour Party hustings on Monday ((21 May)) and the other hustings which follow.

Mr Prentice added: "This would be a break from tradition, but there is a first time for everything. The PLP shouldn't be acting like a conclave of cardinals, meeting in camera, when we are quizzing people, one of whom will be the next Prime Minister."

The MP has nominated Jon Cruddas for deputy leader.