COUNCILLORS are to be given English lessons as part of a drive to outlaw jargon.

The campaign has been launched by the Liberal Democrat group on Pendle Borough Council in a bid to ban phrases such as "overarching stakeholder strategies" and "holistic partnership initiatives".

Lib Dem leader Lord Tony Greaves wants a guide to plain English for council staff and councillors and to organise a training programme.

He said: "A lot of work has been taking place and results are starting to show. This is the time to get the backing of the full council."

Lord Greaves said a lot of the "verbal garbage" was handed down from central government and "quango" bodies.

He added: "We hope to see the end of rubbish phrases such as overarching stakeholder strategies' and holistic partnership initiatives'.

"The real purpose is to stop everyone writing and talking in council-speak. It is too easy to hide behind jargon which means nothing to the outside world - and councillors are sometimes the worst culprits."

The proposals will be introduced by Lord Greaves in a motion to the council's annual meeting tomorrow.