A SHAKE-UP of family planning and sexual health services could take place in Craven.

Currently, North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust offers family planning clinics at Skipton Hospital, Townhead Health Centre at Settle and Bentham Health Centre.

There is also a GUM (genito-urinary medicine) clinic at Skipton Hospital on a Tuesday.

A local resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said there was a rumour circulating that the PCT was planning to close the services at Skipton.

"I am appalled by this information. Does the PCT want Craven to be known as the worst area in the country for teenager pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases?

"Are the GPs in the area actually aware that this might well happen and is this yet another nail in the coffin for Skipton Hospital," asked the resident.

A spokesman for North Yorkshire and York PCT told the Herald: "The PCT is currently looking at how best to deliver family planning and GUM services in the Craven area in the future, based on available staffing and resources.

"The purpose of this review is to see how we can develop the service to meet patients' needs.

"The family planning clinics and GUM service at Skipton Hospital are important elements of our community work in the area which is why it's important for us to look at how best to run these services in the future."