ANLEY Hall resident Annie Parker celebrated her 100th birthday on Sunday with a party for friends and relatives.

Mrs Parker has lived in Settle for most of her life and has had close links to the railway.

Her late husband, Joseph, worked for 51 years on the railway at Cowgill and her late son, Alan, worked for 43 years as a train driver.

Her grandson, Brian, has also worked for 27 years as a railway signalling supervisor in Cumbria.

Brian, along with Mrs Parker's daughter-in-law, Marjorie, attended a party at Settle's Anley Hall which had been organised by residents and staff.

Residents made a special cake for her and she received cards and flowers, as well as a birthday card and message from the Queen.

Mrs Parker has been a keen knitter all her life and still likes to knit squares to keep her hands occupied.

"My birthday was lovely," she told the Herald.