A MAN has admitted burgling his friend's home within hours of his death in a car crash.

Andrew Edmondson died in a car accident in Austwick on May 8. When his mother visited hs home in Settle three days later she discovered items had been stolen.

Darren Roberts, 27, from Hellifield admitted burglary of a dwelling at Duke Street, Settle, sometime between May 8 and May 12.

Skipton magistrates heard on Friday that Roberts had entered Mr Edmondson's house and had stolen two air pistols and a watch.

The theft had been discovered by Mr Edmondson's mother, who had visited the house three days after her son's death.

Prosecuting, Caroline May, said Mr Edmondson's mother had found a door had been forced and the house in an untidy state and had discovered that items were missing, including the two air pistols.

Defending, John Mewies said the items stolen had been of a low value and had been since returned.

"He was a regular visitor to the house and on the night got in through an open window.

"The items were of a very low value. The items were recovered at the defendant's house and have all been returned to the rightful owner."

Roberts, of Thornview Road, was remanded in custody and proceedings were adjourned until the week beginning June 11 for committal to Bradford Crown Court for sentencing.