RESIDENTS across Craven are being warned to be on their guard against private companies attempting to mimic genuine clothing collection charities.

Consumer Direct has received calls from hundreds of residents in Yorkshire who have received a leaflet from a company asking for bags of unwanted clothes and other goods.

The leaflet, titled "Clothing Collection", says that representatives will be calling on specific days to collect the bags.

They claim that they will be distributed to second hand shops across Eastern Europe for those families who cannot afford to buy new.

The leaflet also claims that the company provides jobs in these countries, business for UK export and employment in UK factories grading the clothes.

John Field, Consumer Direct manager said: "I would urge people to remember that these companies are operating a business - they are not charities.

"Their sole objective is to make a profit by relying on the goodwill and generosity of others.

"Unscrupulous traders, who attempt to mimic genuine charitable operations, deprive worthy causes of valuable income.

"People who wish to donate unwanted items should contact recognised organisations or charities to prevent these individuals from profiting."

Anyone wishing to report such an organisation should do so by contacting Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 or log on to