CROSS Hills Health Centre is about to upgrade its phone system to improve access for the 12,000 patients registered with the practice.

The surgery is introducing the new system on Thursday June 7, when the phone number will change to 0844 477 3030.

Practice manager, Joanne Wales-Smith, explained: "We are a large practice and consequently our phone lines get very busy at peak call times, such as first thing in the morning.

"We certainly aren't the only surgery to have this problem, but it is inconvenient for our patients to encounter the engaged tone when they are trying to get in touch, so we decided to do something about it.

"Our new phone system will enable us to handle more calls and will make it much easier for our patients to get through at any time of day."

Known as Surgery Line, the phone system is already successfully installed at several other practices in the area.

The system has been developed especially for doctors' surgeries and uses call automation as well as additional phone lines to tackle call congestion.

It also includes a modern switchboard with headsets, call recording facilities and safety equipment for staff.

Mrs Wales-Smith added: "Our patients will now be able to use the menu of options to speak directly to the staff member that they need. This will free up lines for other callers and speed up the whole call handling process.

"The new number is charged at lo-call rates and so shouldn't cost patients any more.

"We think that the benefits of the new service will far outweigh the minor inconvenience of the number change."

In addition, to make the changeover as smooth as possible, any patients who dial the old number in error will hear a recording with details of the new number.