CRAVEN'S Calendar Girls have unwrapped their latest fundraising idea - and they are hoping it will have the sweet taste of success.

The Rylstone WI ladies have exposed themselves once again to raise money for Leukaemia Research - this time on a box of Whitakers Chocolates.

There are 12 Neapolitan squares in a box and each chocolate is wrapped in an image of one of the Calendar Girls. Twenty pence from each box goes directly to Leukaemia Research.

Calendar Girl Angela Baker, whose husband, John, died of non-Hodgkins lymphoma and inspired the original calendar, said: "The last thing I ever imagined was to be featured on a chocolate. It's marvellous."

And fellow Calendar Girl Tricia Stewart added: "We have so far raised £1.5 million and our aim is to try to get to £2 million."

John Whitaker, owner of Skipton firm Whitakers Chocolates, said: "I'm delighted to use this original idea to help the girls raise even more cash for a fantastic cause."

The chocolates are on sale at Whitakers shop on Skipton High Street and via the website

They will also be available at retailers nationwide shortly.