A CRAVEN district councillor has resigned - days after being heavily criticised for living 450 miles away from his ward.

Speaking exclusively to the Craven Herald, former councillor John Alderson said he had reluctantly made the decision because of his family.

Last week, the Cowling ward member had pledged to carry on.

"I resigned on Saturday because of all the pressure, which I felt was not warranted, because as far as I could see I had done no wrong.

"However, I decided that my family must come first," he said.

Last week, it was reported that Mr Alderson, who has also resigned as chairman of Cowling Parish Council, had failed to attend a single meeting of Craven District Council since moving to Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis, to start a new job.

"I can't attend meetings that have been cancelled. Some of those meetings never took place," he said.

He added that before he moved to Stornoway in January, he had taken advice from the district council about claiming expenses.

"I asked them how I should proceed and was told to carry on and when it came to the next year in June, that is when it would be looked at again, but we've never got to that. Everybody was happy about the situation."

He said he maintained contact with his ward by telephone and email and pointed out that the flight to Stornoway was just one-and-a-half hours and it was possible to fly there and back in a day.

"I'm really gutted," said Mr Alderson, an Independent.

He said he had been supported by villagers in Cowling and would continue to do what he could for the village.

"I will be continuing on the village hall committee and on the recreation ground committee and will be helping with the gala.

"I am very upset about it - it is not fair that I should be treated like this.

"I have lived and worked for the village for 24 years."

And he added that he could have lost his job, working for a Harris tweed mill.

"This sort of thing can ruin lives. I could have lost my job. I didn't, but I could have done. People can lose confidence in you," he said.

Leader of Craven District Council, Coun Carl Lis, told the Herald: "John was a very keen councillor and he spent a lot of time doing the job.

"He didn't want to give it up until he was certain that his new job was likely to continue.

"I am not aware of even one complaint from members of the parish and nothing was raised at the local Airedale and South Craven area forum meeting held this March either.

"It is a shame when you lose a capable councillor such as John, who was committed to the well-being of Cowling. Good councillors are not easy to come by."

There will now be a by-election to fill the Cowling ward on the district council.

Returning officer, Colin Iveson, said: "An election will be held once the returning officer receives a request by two local government electors for the ward.

"There is also a vacancy on the parish council caused by John Alderson's resignation.

"The request for an election for this vacancy must be made by 10 local government electors for the parish within 14 working days of the notice being published."