VILLAGERS have largely welcomed plans to redevelop the inside of Kildwick Church.

At open evenings on Monday and Tuesday, people from Kildwick, Farnhill and Cross Hills took the opportunity to view the proposals for St Andrew's Church.

The plans, which aim to modernise the church and open it up to the wider community, include new seating, a meeting room, disabled access, a kitchen and parish office.There will also be a crèche and improved heating.

But not everyone was happy with plans to replace pews with "flexible seating".

Project co-ordinator, Tim Wilson, said: "Seven people expressed total objection to the scheme and it was not possible to persuade them of the benefit of any work to the church. In the main, their objection related to the proposal to replace the pews with chairs. This is a very subjective issue and not an easy subject to resolve as there is no right and wrong. It is entirely a matter of personal preference.

"Those that supported the project could clearly understand the need for the church to adapt to move forward."

Mr Wilson added: "We had an excellent response from the local community and generally people recognised the need for the church to increase its outreach to the wider community and provide a church that can play an expanded role in the community."

Kildwick vicar, Rev Robin Figg, added that it was an opportunity for the church to increase its appeal.

"People understand that churches develop through the centuries and this is another phase in the long history of St Andrew's."

The Lang Kirk 21 Project, led by the Parochial Church Council, follows a consultation to find out what facilities people wanted at the church.

It has recently received the support of both the Bradford Diocesan Advisory Committee and the Council for the Care of Churches.

St Andrew's Church is grade one listed, with parts dating back to the 14th century.

Mr Wilson said raising money for the redevelopment had already begun, with a major fundraising campaign expected to be launched in the summer.

To contribute towards the fund contact Mr Wilson on