THE Upper Wharfedale Museum Society is looking for new volunteers.

The annual meeting heard that there had been an "inevitable" loss of helpers during the year.

The society runs the Folk Museum in Grassington's cobbled square.

Chairman Elaine Clare said: "We can always do with new volunteers and the more people we have, the easier it is to open more often.

"After all, one of main purposes is to display our interesting collection and we need people to welcome and give information to the public."

The museum is open for about eight months of the year and during the afternoons of the farmers' markets.

Mrs Clare outlined events and functions during the year, some of which had raised funds to supplement income from door takings.

"The success of all the functions is due to the tremendous amount of planning beforehand and efforts on the day," she explained.

Members were told that numerous small jobs and renovations had been ongoing and a survey of the electrical installations had been carried out.

New sensors for the burglar alarm system had been installed and a committee will consider health and safety recommendations to see how they could be implemented without destroying the character of the building.