THE outgoing chairman of Craven District Council had the deciding vote in choosing his successor - and voted himself in for a further year.

It meant that for the second time in five years, Coun Marcia Turner was denied the leading role.

In 2002, as vice-chairman of the council, she was out-manoeuvred for the traditionally unopposed role in favour of Coun Ken Hart.

At last Thursday's annual council meeting, she was again nominated alongside sitting chairman Coun David Ireton.

The voting was split 14-14 with Coun Ireton having the casting vote. He voted himself back into the seat amid feelings from the outnumbered Conservative contingent that the decision was mean-spirited.

Coun Chris Knowles-Fitton told members: "I don't think this is a very fair thing to do and I feel uncomfortable in the way it has been done."

Usually, the chairmanship goes to the vice-chairman, but that could not happen this year as Mike Hill lost his seat in the local elections in May.

Nominations for the position of vice-chairman were Coun David Crawford (Conservative) and Coun Manuel Camacho (Independent). Coun Camacho was elected on a majority vote.

After accepting the role of chairman for a further year, Coun Ireton said: "I have had a very enjoyable and busy year with many highlights. I was also very pleased with the money raised for the chairman's charities - Ingleton Scouts' new headquarters building programme and Manorlands Hospice - and I have pleasure in donating £3,850 to each."

Coun Ireton said he had not yet decided what charities he was going to support this year.