SKIPTON'S Wilderness Wood will be transformed into a local beautyspot thanks to a £10,000 windfall from the Big Lottery.

Skipton Town Council learned this week it had been successful in its bid. It now plans to make the woods, off Otley Road, into a small nature reserve and improve access to the site by upgrading the gates, steps, bridges and paths.

It will also ban motorised vehicles such as trail bikes.

The council hopes that in the future, events could be staged in the area, such as nest box and pond dipping competitions.

The one-hectare beckside site was gifted to the council by Skipton Civic Society several years ago. Currently it is mainly used by dog walkers, people taking their children to school and as a meeting place for young people.

The council's deputy chief officer Geoff Hill, who has led the project, said the Lottery cash could not have been achieved without Coun Andy Solloway, who had championed the project, and fundraiser Ann Shadrake.

The council should receive the cash next month and will then decide a more detailed scheme.