POLICE are urging youngsters and their parents to be on their guard after a couple asked children to get into their car near Litton.

The incident occurred when a boy and a girl, aged nine and 10, got off the school bus just outside the village at 3.20pm last Tuesday, May 22.

As they walked past a small grey car, the occupants spoke to the children and asked where they lived and told them to get in the car.

A police spokeswoman said: "Fortunately neither child did this and they ran home."

The man in the car was in his 50s and had grey hair and his female companion was in her 20s with dark hair.

After the children ran off, the car drove towards Halton Gill.

Police want to trace the couple and are urging locals to look out for them.

Anyone with information can contact the police on 0845 6060247 or the confidential Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111.