VISITORS to the Dales are being offered the chance to look around two working farms as part of Open Farm Sunday on June 10.

The event is being organised through LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming), which was set up in 1991 between farmers, consumers, environmentalists and agricultural organisations.

The aim is for people to see the positive steps farmers are taking to look after the countryside while producing safe, wholesome and affordable food.

One of the open days is taking place at Green Farm, Hellifield, the home of Robert and Wendy Phillip.

The couple used to run a dairy farm, but diversified in August 2005 to concentrate on Highland cattle. They now have more than 200 animals which are both shown at agricultural shows and sold for their meat.

There are hundreds of Open Farm Day events running throughout the country between 11am and 4pm, each with their own unique activities based around the workings of the farm.

At Green Farm, there will be old and new tractors on display, calf handling demonstrations, opportunities to "comb a cow", show preparation demonstrations and a tour of the farm buildings, as well as the chance to learn about the Limestone Country Project which aims to re-introduce hardy cattle to the Dales.

There is also a farm shop and visitors can take along a picnic or try the Phillips' Highland burgers and hotdogs.

Also on Open Farm Sunday, people can travel to Windy Pike Farm, near Gisburn, run by the Rowntree family.

They have a pedigree Aberdeen-Angus herd as well as Texel and Suffolk-cross lambs.

The farm also grows a small amount of wheat.

Visitors will be given short farm walks between 11am and 3pm by Henry Rowntree, who will explain how the farm is run, as well as talking about the beef herd and the nature within the surrounding countryside.

Also present will be a representative from Natural England, which brings together English Nature, the Countryside Agency and the Rural Development Service and works to conserve and enhance biodiversity, landscapes and wildlife in rural, urban, coastal and marine areas.

Refreshments will be available and people are also encouraged to take along a picnic. Meat from the herd will be available to order.

Both venues are working farms so people are encouraged to dress for the weather and wear sensible footwear.

For more details phone Green Farm on 01729 850217, or Windy Pike Farm on 01200 445320 or go to the websites: or