A DAD and his two daughters raised £370 by taking part in the Bupa Great Manchester Run.

John McCamon and his daughters, Sian, nine, and Ella, six, from Cowling, were sponsored by neighbours, work colleagues and school friends for the event on May 20.

And while John, 32, achieved his best ever time in the 10km race, Sian completed the junior 1.5 mile run and Ella the mini one mile run.

"I beat my personal best with a time of 41 minutes, 27 seconds and managed to raise £270. I would like to thank all my colleagues at JN Bentley in Skipton," said John.

"Sian and Ella both completed their races and, combined, are expected to raise £100. They would like to thank our neighbours, school friends and teachers for all their sponsors."

John, a foreman at JN Bentley, will donate his sponsor money to Cancer Research in memory of his sister, Theresa, who died from lung cancer. Sian and Ella will give their cash to children's cancer charity Candlelighters.

A health visitor from Kirkby Malham also completed the Great Manchester Run and raised £300 for the Penny Brohn Cancer Help charity.

Becky Westwood, 41, completed the run in one hour, two minutes and seven seconds. She said: "A work colleague of mine, who is absolutely invaluable, was diagnosed with breast cancer and she received a huge amount of support from Penny Brohn Cancer Care."

Mrs Westwood also hopes the race will encourage her to go that bit further.

"The hope is that it will spur me on to do larger runs so I can continue raising money and one day achieve a personal goal of completing a marathon," she added.

Meanwhile former Ermysted's Grammar School pupil Andrew Walker finished the 10km Great Edinburgh Run in just under 50 minutes.

And his time of 47 minutes and 25 seconds put him among the top 90 runners.

Andrew ran with fellow Oxford University students Gareth Davies and James Blackburn and the three men raised £1,600 for the Parkinson's Disease Society.