TESCO has taken a step towards building a bigger store in Skipton by unveiling a set of traffic calming measures for the area.

North Yorkshire County Council is currently consulting on the scheme, which entails making Cross Street one way only.

Carleton Street would still be two-way, but this would stop vehicles leaving Tesco and using Cross Street as a shortcut on to Keighley Road.

The package seeks to make Craven Street/Cavendish Street more pedestrian friendly by introducing a crossing outside Christ Church School and imposing a 20mph limit with speed tables.

There will also be footpath improvements on Cross Street and Black Walk.

Supermarket giant Tesco has been looking at highway improvements since it was given planning permission for a larger store last summer.

It has also been granted planning consent to take over the former Esso filling station on Keighley Road, which has been vacant since 2004.

Max Curtis, corporate affairs manager for Tesco, said this was one step in the process towards getting a new supermarket.

He said the company wanted to make sure the development worked for its neighbours.

Mr Curtis added: "It's going to make a lasting change to the supermarket provision in this area so we have got to get it right."