LIONS and tigers are set to roam the streets of Skipton as part of the town's puppet festival in September.

The marionettes are the creation of the late Stan Parker, who hailed from Cumbria.

Liz Lempen, festival organiser, said: "The marionettes will be exhibited in the town hall exhibition space for a few weeks prior to the festival and then during the festival weekend they will go live' in a purpose- built mini circus marquee in the town.

"When a great puppeteer dies, then usually so do their puppets. Mostly they are sold off separately or end up as museum exhibits, but this amazing collection is destined to live again."

Mrs Lempen added: "Stan Parker made such beautiful puppets that by all accounts, they almost move by themselves. Of course they will have some help from a skilled puppeteer in the form of John Parkinson, of Upfront Puppet Theatre."

The collection has been resurrected with the help of a Heritage Lottery grant.

Plans for the puppet festival are taking shape and gaining support locally.

In addition to backing from the Arts Council, Craven District Council and Skipton Building Society, the festival has the support of Savage Crangle solicitors, Skipton Ford, Herriot's Hotel and The Woolly Sheep.

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