KINGSWAY vets, in Skipton, are once again going the extra mile for animals.

Six members of the practice are embarking on the Coniston Adventure Team Challenge on Saturday September 1.

Vets Andy Barrett, Jan Harvey, Jonathan Stockton and Mark Thompson, veterinary manager Susan Pearson and veterinary nurse Cathy Boardman will climb The Old Man of Coniston, covering 10.7 kilometres and reaching heights of 804 metres.

The team will also mountain bike through 12 miles of the Grizedale Forest and then paddle across Coniston Water.

The whole challenge must be completed within 10 hours and team members have to stay within 100 metres of each other at all times.

By the end of the event they will have covered more than 22 miles.

The vets' practice is taking part to raise at least £2,500 for The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

Last year, staff undertook a 30-mile leg of the Scotland to Stoneleigh bike relay. They cycled around the Dales to raise money for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution.

To help raise money for their latest cause, the surgery is holding a plant and cake stall in its rear car park tomorrow between 10.30am and 12.30pm. Everyone is welcome.