SKIPTON could lose the chance of a £3.2 million children's centre if it is not located at Parish Church School, Craven Area Committee meeting heard.

The county council's choice for the proposed centre has come in for heavy criticism from residents living near Parish Church School and local councillors.

They are against the two-storey building being located in the school grounds and fear the extra cars will exacerbate the traffic and parking problems in the area.

Many people feel Greatwood or Ings School would be a far better site for the centre, which will be a one-stop-shop for healthcare, advice and support for parents, early education and care and a link to training and employment.

But North Yorkshire County Council's assistant director of strategic services Bernadette Jones said the planning application for the centre was likely to be considered this month.

She warned that if planners rejected the Parish Church School scheme, there would not be enough time to submit a fresh application for another site before the funding expired.

She explained that the current proposal could be agreed in time to gain "phase two" cash.

But she warned that if it was necessary to wait for "phase three" funding it was unlikely the town would get as much money for the project.

Chairman of Craven Area Committee Polly English listed the reasons people were against putting the facility in the grounds of Parish Church School and handed in a petition against it.

Mrs Jones said she appreciated the concerns of local homeowners about the impact on traffic but it was felt Brougham Street was the most accessible site for the centre.