A HUNDRED pounds towards the cost of replacing a fence demolished by a dustbin wagon has been promised to Sutton senior citizens.

Sutton Parish Council agreed at Monday's meeting to help towards repairing the fence and building a protective ramp at the back of the Senior Citizens Centre in North Street.

Councillors heard that the fence had been damaged by a passing bin wagon and that the group wanted to prevent it happening again by building a concrete kerb.

The council, which is currently distributing £500 between five different projects and has already promised £100 to Kildwick scouts, rejected a request by Sutton Village Hall for funds to refurbish the kitchen.

In a letter to the council, the hall committee said it needed £1,000 to refurbish the kitchen and hoped that the council could provide it with half.

But council chairman, Councillor Neil Whitaker said £1,000 was not enough to carry out all the work.

"I don't think £1,000 would make it a safe environment, it would be throwing good money away. A kitchen needs to have tiled walls and stainless steel."

The council agreed to respond to the village hall committee that it was minded to make a donation, but that it wanted to know more about what was being planned.