SKIPTON and Settle Tourist Information Centres are to come under the wing of Craven District Council.

The district's current network includes four information centres at Skipton, Settle, Ingleton and Bentham, which are all managed as separate entities with their own management and operational frameworks.

The council already supports the centres with annual cash contributions, subsidised premises, facilitating development, advice and secretariat services.

Both Skipton and Settle were in favour of being taken over by Craven.

Judith Hughes, chairman of Skipton Tourist Information Centre (TIC), said: "In particular, it would allow more scope with forward planning without the constant concern about available funds."

Ron Maude, chairman of Settle TIC, added: "Settle TIC management board recognises the support we have received from Craven District, both financial and advisory, in assisting us to deliver a valuable service for the area. However, we have concerns about the future, especially relating to finances and retaining qualified staff.

"We are operating a valuable service, but do realise that we are very dependent on volunteer support and the efforts of our manager.This is not a strong position to efficiently develop and plan the future for a service that is both effective and beneficial.

"It is vital to ensure positive progression so that we are able to plan secure continuity. The current TIC service complements the work of Craven District and would fit well alongside existing information provision, contributing to a streamline service."

Craven District Council's policy committee agreed to take over the Skipton and Settle tourist information centres and continue to support Ingleton and Bentham.