SIR - Before anyone leaps up like a kangaroo and splatters me with a bit more vitriolic verbiage, the country which I quoted (Craven Herald letters, April 16) where masks are compulsory for indoor shopping, is Austria, not Australia.

No issues though with any typist, for my lousy writing might well have been difficult to transcribe.

However, the Austria procedure of masks being compulsory for indoor shopping, appears to be worth taking on board, - and taken notice of – for, according to authorities in that country, it has helped immensely towards reducing the coronavirus spread.

Indeed, to a point of the appropriate authorities planning to ease various other restrictions outside of shops and supermarkets in the near future.

I do re-iterate that in wearing a mask indoors it only for the benefit of others around, and not for one’s self.

But that of course is the problem with many in our society. They do not give a jot about anyone else except for themselves and family. I went into Yorkshire Trading Company, Skipton, to buy some more masks for friends out of town, and there was a guy in there trailing around as a spare part with a woman – coughing and spluttering his head off.

I thus told him where he could buy a mask in order to keep all the germs to himself, but unfortunately his reply is not fit for print.

This though just a bit of a lot of the nation’s problem.

Roger Ingham
