A NUMBER of marked events which were due to appear on this year’s commemorative calendar in the district have had to be cancelled due to lockdown.

Over the past six months the Skipton Branch of the Royal British Legion has been planning a series of events to mark the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe, Victory in Japan and the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

Also, during 2020, Craven District Council is due to offer the freedom of Skipton to the 5th Regiment Royal Artillery and also take part in Armed Forces week. It is not known if these events will take place at a later date.

Chairman of the RBL Skipton branch, George Martin, said it was a concerning time for everyone, particularly the district’s veterans, but the group has put measures in place to help the more vulnerable members.

He said: “With the current coronavirus pandemic, it is with sadness that the VE Day 75 dinner, parade and church service have had to be cancelled. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dave Parker and his team from Skipton Town Council and my committee for the tremendous help and guidance throughout the preparations which were put in place to allow the above events to take place.

“As we are now in lockdown, the focus of the Skipton Branch is to ensure our members are as comfortable and safe in their homes,” he explained.

Mr Martin’s, wife, Janice, who is membership secretary of the branch, came up with the idea for the committee members to make phone calls to members and she divided up the contact numbers and distributed them to the committee. Initially it was to ensure that everyone was safe and to give assurance that, as a branch, we would be at the end of the phone if required.

Mr Martin added: “As the majority of our members are of an age which puts them in the ‘at risk’ category, we would also find out if they were able through family or neighbours to get food, medication etc. In February, an ex-servicemen’s breakfast club was established on the first Saturday of the month in Wetherspoons, Skipton, and through this club the Skipton branch gained five new members. One of these new members has offered his support in delivering food or supplies to our members.

“As chairman, I am thankful to my committee for their continued support in these unprecedented times. Nationally, the Royal British Legion has issued a phone number for those who require any support which can not be given locally. If you become very concerned about an individual, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0808 802 8080.”