
Church news: As you may already know, in response to the current Covid-19 situation and lockdown restrictions, we regret that there will be no church services until further notice.

Please join our online services each Sunday at 10.30am on Zoom by clicking: Clapham, Austwick and Eldroth churches continue to be open for individual prayer on Sundays and Wednesdays during daylight hours.

This weekly newsletter is designed so that you can read and join in prayer in your own time, anytime.

Listen to the prayers and reflections from the newsletter, in podcast format. Daily prayers from the Church of England are free on 0800 8048044.

Covid support:This is available at:,, 01524 805969. AustwickNews.

Foodbank: Austwick WI is now supporting the new Foodbank in Ingleton which covers the surrounding area including Austwick, Clapham and Burton, and partners with Bentham in providing food - including fresh food and hot meals - to local families in need. Supported by the churches and run from Ingleton Church Hall, the Ingleton Foodbank supports families in need including any not receiving Universal Credit. It has the support of the Skipton Foodbank which will continue to serve that area. With the generous help of Ian and Michelle at Crossleigh Stores, Austwick WI will continue to collect donations, and wish to thank you for your generous recent support and for your continuing help for this initiative in our more immediate area Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: The shop and post office will maintain regular opening times with the two person at one time policy and urge customers to wear masks and use the hand sanitizers provided. We are also continuing to coordinate deliveries of prescriptions from Settle and Bentham surgeries.

Barnoldswick & Bracewell

Church news: Due to the current period of national lockdown, Holy Trinity Church will remain closed for services until further notice. (This also includes Ghyll Church, Barnoldswick and St Michael’s, Bracewell.) This decision will be reviewed when lockdown rules change.

Zoom church services will continue as usual at 11:30am on Sunday mornings and if you’d like to keep connected and are interested in growing spiritually please join Monday evenings discussion group at 7pm. There will also be Night Prayer at 9pm every evening.

Please contact Rev Sheena on 01282 812028 for the access code to the zoom meetings and evening prayer or email:

Bolton Abbey

Church news: In this Third Sunday of Epiphany we read about the treatment of prisoners in the Book of Kings. The King wishes to execute the prisoners but the prophet Elisha intervenes and prevents it. I could not help but think of the executions in America that has marked the last few months of the American Presidency. No less than fourteen prisoners have been executed since July, including the first woman. This is the first time that a woman has been executed for seventy years in America. There has been a deafening silence from this side of the Atlantic. Let us remember the words of the prophet Elisha to “open the eyes of these men that they might see”.

The Church is now closed during lockdown, the Tower remains open for private prayer.

For the Church Sunday audio services, the weekly sheet and magazine please look at our website

Bolton Priory Services: The Priory Church at Bolton Abbey is currently closed due to the upsurge in the pandemic. Services will therefore be on-line only until further notice. The Tower is open for private prayer. Please check the website or contact 01756 710587.

The Priory Website: The 10.30 am Sunday services are now only online and can be accessed via the Bolton Priory website The service includes the music, readings and hymns for the week and a short sermon. On the first Sunday of the month we record our Liquid Family Service. You will also find the latest Weekly Sheet and Parish Magazine with all the news and updates.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Church news: St.Andrew’s church is closed. For now, Sunday worship will continue via Zoom at 10am, and via the KCB Parish Facebook page ( Evening Prayer at 4pm. Additionally, Morning and Evening Prayer will continue via Facebook on Mondays to Thursdays at 9am and 4.30pm.

For details of how to access the Zoom services, please contact Rev. Julie Bacon via the KCB website (

Farnhill Parish Council: Minutes of December’s meeting: The remote meeting of Farnhill Parish Council was held on the 17th December 2020. Five members of the Council were present, plus CDC Representative Counc A Brown & Clerk S Harding-Hill.

The parish council is looking to replace equipment in the play area in the village.The clerk has reported it is waiting for a quotation to cover the cost. The council is also to hold a discussion with the insurance representative to see if the council had enough cover for replacement of the play equipment and also the street lighting and whether it needed to increase the cover which would cover any liability to the trustees.

A quote has been received for the repairs at the play area but the quote contained two posts for the crawling tube and did not contain the quote for the steering wheel.

The clerk will write to ask them to adjust it as required. No response has been received from ROSPA regarding the inspection report.

The minutes of the meeting held on November 26, 2020 were approved by the council and will be signed as a correct record by the Chairman at a later date.

Coun M Scarffe informed the chairman and clerk on December 16 that due to a combination of reasons he was resigning from the council with immediate effect. A notice has been placed and if a written request is signed by ten local government electors for the parish is received by the returning officer at Craven District Council within fourteen days the vacancy will be held open until it is filled at the election due to be held on Thursday, May 6.

The next meeting of Farnhill Parish Council will take place on Thursday January 28th starting at 7.30pm. The meeting will be held by video but members of the public may attend remotely. Anyone wishing to join the meeting should contact the Secretary of the Council, Sue Harding-Hill, by emailing for login details.


Community news: The Community Pantry continues to be open on Fridays from 2pm to 3 pm at the Wesley Centre on Haw Grove.

For anyone shielding or unable to get to the centre, then please phone Pauline on 07931 511652 or 01729 850802.

Deliveries of any items can be made if available.

Jigsaws and books in a good condition are a welcome donation. Please bring along or contact Pauline if collection is required.

Baby group: The Helibabies group which is normally held on a Wednesday, is being suspended for the time being.

Horton-in-Ribblesdale News

Caroline Thompson. 01756 749235

Church news: A service of Holy Communion for the combined parishes of Horton, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held in St.Oswalds church on Sunday at 10.30.a.m.


Quakers: Tomorrow, January 22, 2021 is historic because the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (also know as the Nuclear Ban Treaty) comes into force as international law. Quakers have been campaigning for decades to rid the world of these weapons of mass destruction and this comprehensively prohibits participation in any nuclear weapon activities.

Settle Quakers, as part of Quakers in Britain, are urging the government to sign up to the Treaty.

Holocaust Memorial Day: Settle Quakers invite you to a Zoom meeting to join the UK Commemorative Ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day, Wednseday, January 27.

This features personal testimonies from survivors of genocide, films, reading and music. There will be an opportunity to share your thoughts afterwards. Contact to pre-register. Please also see our website ( and our Facebook Page (Settle Quaker Meeting) for further information including text and pictures based on Pastor Martin Niemoller’s poem ‘First they came’. Pastor Martin was a concentration camp victim.”

Church news: Rev Julie Clarkson and church council members from all three of her parishes - Holy Ascension Settle, St Alkelda’s Giggleswick and Holy Trinity Rathmell - have, reluctantly made the decision to close our local churches for public worship and private prayer during the current, on - going Covid - 19 restrictions.

However worship will continue behind Holy Ascension’s closed doors as either Rev Julie, other local clergy or lay worship leaders will continue to lead and broadcast a ‘live’ morning act of worship each Sunday from Settle at 10am. Online services are available from the YouTube channel:

Don’t forget to go online on Sunday, 24 January , at 10am for the 3 Parishes, Holy Communion. Please ask Revd Julie if you would like to receive a copy of the printed newsletter.

12 months ago, at the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, ‘Holy Ascension’ was very pleased to host the annual “Unity Service” - welcoming folk from all our local places of worship for a simple Jacob’s Join lunch and sharing in a service of unity afterwards.

Plans are ‘on hold’ for 2021’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Meeting together, outdoors, on Whit Sunday, May 23, has been suggested as a possibility if current restrictions are lifted.