STAFF and residents at a care home have raised money for a charity which supported the home’s team leader when her baby boy needed heart surgery.

Shana Mellor’s son Lucas was born at Airedale Hospital last October but transferred to Leeds General Infirmary, where he underwent open heart surgery at just two weeks old.

“The Children’s Heart Surgery Fund put me up in accommodation so that I could be with Lucas day and night,” said Shana. “Due to Covid restrictions I wasn’t able to travel to and from Leeds and risk infection to him.”

Colleagues and residents at Croft House, Eastburn, staged a Wear it Red Day – also featuring cakes, buns and raffles – which raised £1,375 for the fund.

“All the team at Croft House wanted to give something back to the charity on my behalf and they were amazing,” said Shana.

“The total was fantastic – £10 means a child receives a teddy and medal after surgery, £90 gives a family three nights’ accommodation and £1,000 provides kits so patients can test their blood at home.”