CHILDREN at Kirkby Malham and Settle Primary Schools enjoyed a lockdown pizza treat thanks to Italian restaurant and takeaway, Matteo’s.

Chef proprietor of the business, based in The Shambles in Settle Market Place, Matteo Dali, reckoned the youngsters, who are children of key workers and attended school during the lockdown, deserved a boost.

He also wanted to cook for the staff, to recognise their hard work throughout recent weeks in particular.

Matteo said: “I wanted to do something to show the children and staff that the community is thinking of them in these difficult times. It was a pleasure to cook for the schools.”

Richard Wright the schools’ executive head said: “We were delighted to take Matteo up on his kind offer and thank him for such a wonderful gesture in what are challenging times for us all. The pizzas were delicious and very much appreciated by everyone.”

Both schools are now fully open. In line with government guidelines, Matteo is continuing to operate a takeaway and delivery service until restaurants can be reopened.