A RESIDENT of Sutton Hall and Lodge nursing home has put aside her long-held knee pains and taken up the challenge of raising money for her care home’s activity fund.

Sheila Harris said she had always enjoyed getting involved with activities in the home especially when the weather is nice enough to go our for walks around the park.

Sheila has recently had a physiotherapist visit who has told her she needs to try and keep walking.

So activity staff set Sheila a goal to walk six laps of the corridor a day and Sheila has taken up the challenge and turned it into a sponsored walk with gusto.

The home has set up a fundraising page and Sheila says she will be donating any money raised to the activity fund. A target of £200 has been set.

To donate to the fund go to https://www.facebook.com/donate/849161338962111/?fundraiser_source=external_url