A HAVEN for wildlife and a pleasant place for people to sit and eat their lunch will be back as a vision of floral beauty this summer thanks to the efforts of Carleton resident Kathryn Delaney.

Kathryn, who has over two decades of gardening and landscape design under her belt, spent over 12 months two years ago reviving the neglected strip of no-man’s land outside her friend Dave Ferguson’s cycle shop, in Rope Walk.

“It was beautiful last year. Lots of people said so and they said how much they liked to see the birds and butterflies and admire the flowers.”You’d get people sitting on the wall eating the fish and chips they’d just bought.”

But kathryn is going to have to start again after workmen clearing up rubbish at the back of the former House of Fraser store, hacked her garden down to almost ground level last month.

“I was in shock. There had been a garden and plants there for 45 years and I had spent such a lot of time and effort reviving it for it to be hacked back to nothing.

“Luckily they had left some short stems and the plants are starting to sprout again, but it will take time for them to get back to where they were. Whoever did it had no idea what they were doing,” she said.

“They did clear up a lot of rubbish that had gathered behind the store and was attracting vermin. That has all gone and it is a lot tidier.

“But why they had to cut down the plants in this little garden is beyond me,” she added.

Now Kathryn is busy planting bulbs and seeds to provide flowers for wildlife this year and is asking if people want to donate something to help.

“I know a few people want to bring something so I started ‘Donate a Plant, Skipton’ so people can be part of bringing this garden back to life.

“I’m hoping for donations of plants, bulbs and seeds and perhaps bird tables and bird feeders, particularly using recycled materials. If anyone wants to donate something they can ring or text me on 07856 014150. I’m looking forward to this garden being full of colour in summer.”