A POPULAR teacher who was devoted to her charges at Settle College has died after a brave battle with cancer at the age of 51.

Jayne Lodge, from Newby, was born in Worksop and lived around Chesterfield.

She married Christian, a project officer with the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, and later the couple moved to North Craven with their son, Matthew, who was then aged two.

They went on to have daughter, Amy, two years later.

Jayne worked in a bank to begin with and when the children were little did home care work.

“She enjoyed looking after people and eventually found her forte with teaching children,” said Mr Lodge.

Jayne helped out at Clapham Primary School when Matthew was small where someone told her she would make a fantastic teacher.

In 2002 she took a position as teaching assistant at Settle College. She later decided to go into teaching and following a degree course, became a catering teacher at the college. She also took on the role as Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), managing 18 staff. She later became assistant head.

“She loved her job and particularly in helping children with additional needs.” said Mr Lodge.,

Jayne was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. In total she had five recurrences but fought off each one.

“She was really strong throughout her illnesses and only ever wanted to be able to get back into school to teach. She battled each episode so well,” Mr Lodge explained.

In February last year she was given a terminal diagnosis. Despite only being given a few weeks to live she tried a different chemotherapy treatment at Addenbrookes Hospital which prolonged her life for a year.

She was able to see her grandson, Edward, Matthew’s son,who was born last year.

“We are so grateful she had that extra time to enjoy her grandson who she doted on.

“We are also very grateful to the oncology department at Lancaster Hospital and in particular, consultant David Eaton who had cared for her right from the start. He came to be the closest thing to family that is possible.

“We also want to thank the staff at Bentham Medical Centre, particularly Dr Louise Morgan, who looked after Jayne so well over the years,” added Mr Lodge.

Jayne wanted to leave behind a legacy for Settle College and a fundraising page was set up with a target of £1,000. However, it was soon surpassed and the fund has reached almost £10,000.

“We have been touched by so many lovely messages. She was obviously well loved and will have made a lasting effect on so many people’s lives which brings us comfort,” said Mr Lodge.

To donate to the fundraiser go to: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jayne-lodge?utm_term=3xveXQbdB