SKIPTON Girls’ High School has excelled at delivering mass asymptomatic testing of its students.

Within the first two weeks of secondary school opening, schools have been taking part in testing among secondary school pupils on their return to school.

Each pupil consenting to participating in the voluntary, programme undertook three Covid-19 lateral flow device tests, three to five days apart. Schools faced an enormous challenge to set up and resource the assisted testing sites.

Fiona McMillan, deputy headteacher at Skipton Girls’ High School said: “This was a whole new experience for everyone in the school community. The logistical challenges to ensure the site was compliant, staff trained to the required standards and, most importantly, to ensure we supported our students in an environment alien to a school were our top priorities. Our students have shown amazing attitude and resilience to this programme and we would like to say well done to them.”

Participation in the testing programme has been high at Skipton Girls’ High School, part of Northern Star Academies Trust. Over 95 per cent of students, with parent/carer support choose to opt into the programme. Over the two weeks testing took place around 2,500 tests have been undertaken at the school and over 4,300 tests across the Trust.

Jenn Plews, Northern Star Academies Trust Leader added: “We are really proud of the outstanding effort, dedication and commitment from our staff, pupils and volunteers to taking part in the programme, and ensuring that we are providing education in the safest possible environment we can.”

This effort would not have been possible without the support of community volunteers from Skipton Step into Action and Nidderdale Plus Community Hub, many of whom also volunteer at vaccination sites in the region.

Chris Eyes, whose professional background is nursing, volunteered to support testing at Skipton Girls’ High School said: “It was an absolute delight to be involved, the organisation was superb and it was good to work along such a friendly professional team”.

Students who choose to participate in the asymptomatic testing scheme will now transition to using home test kits twice a week, which will be distributed through school.

Households and bubbles of school staff and pupils are now also eligible for twice weekly home asymptomatic testing. Further information at: